While he’s currently shooting the Baywatch movie, The Rock has officially started preparing for his next gig. With filming for Fast and the Furious 8 set to begin next month, he’s been bulking up to reprise his role as Luke Hobbs, and recently shared a photo of his breakfast on Instagram.
When it comes to actors getting ready for a role, it’s easy to have visions of fancy meals prepared by private chefs. But this photo doesn’t quite fit that picture. Packets of Instant Cream of Wheat and reheated buffalo steak and eggs is what the Big Man is using to fuel his latest training. As I’m still following a Rock-inspired diet, here was my breakfast the day he shared this photo.

The Rock’s breakfast on the left, mine on the right.
Frankly, I think my breakfast looks a little fancier. Of course, I’m my own private chef. I also didn’t eat this while working at my laptop at 5:30am, which is why he continues to be the “Hardest Worker in the Room.”
Motivate You? No, Motivate Me.
Shortly after I finished the Rock’ing for 30 Days Challenge, I got a message on Twitter from a guy on his own fitness journey. John had struggled with his weight on and off for years, and had decided to get serious about getting in shape and dropping weight. While I had nothing to do with his motivation and discipline to start that journey, this blog did inspire him to start a daily blog himself. Two months and 53 posts later, he’s still at it, and has dropped 30lbs so far!
After a congrats from me on Twitter, he inadvertently shamed me about my weak attempt over a week ago to get back to my blog. Seeing his dedication, I woke up inspired to get another post out today.
While I’m sure I’ll fall down again many times, I’ll just keep getting back up and keep trying to get after it.